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Senior SAFE

Through a partnership with the Ipswich Council on Aging, Senior SAFE aims to improve the safety of older adult homes.

Schedule Smoke Alarm Check/Installation

Free services include

Smoke and CO Detectors

The Fire Department’s Senior SAFE agent visits the homes of our seniors to inspect and test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.  We also change batteries and in some cases change or install the detectors themselves.

Residential Lock Boxes

These small steel boxes are installed at the homes of seniors with mobility issues.  The boxes contain a copy of the resident’s house key and can only be opened by a key carried on our fire trucks.  These allow firefighters and paramedics to gain access to a home in an emergency, without having to force entry and possibly cause damage to a home.

File of Life

In a medical emergency, firefighters and medics will look at a resident’s refrigerator for this very important document.  The File of Lie provides crucial information about a patient’s medical history, medications, allergies and emergency contacts.  Quick and ready access to this information helps our first responders provide the quickest and best medical care possible.

To make an appointment for any of these free services, please call Beth Wright at the Ipswich Council on Aging: 978-356-6650